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Quantock Messenger
You can download this month's edition of the Quantock Messenger here.
Good News Newsletter
With great thanks to Rev'd Kate Sax, the summer issue of Quantock Good News is available to download by clicking here.
Activities through Lent: Some opportunities to make Lent 2023 a special time - time to be with others and to give some extra time to God. All are welcome.
This year we are doing something different to help spread joy, colour and hope throughout the villages!
We are sending out Mary, Joseph, and the Donkey as templates to be coloured in – using crayons, paint or collage material and then cut out. Then we are asking you to place them in a front window for everyone to see. Hopefully, we will be able to see a growing number of houses displaying Mary, Joseph, and the donkey as if we see them travelling around the village.
Click here for more information and to download the posada images.
As well as our Benefice prayer, the Diocese of Bath and Wells have also launched the Diocesan Prayer diary
I've received today the attached message from the RSCM. While much of it will be of specific interest to musicians and choir trainers, there are two items which have a wider remit, and are free to all, irrespective of membership. These are "Hymn of the Day", with words and accompaniment, and "Sunday Self-service"; links to both on:
The Church of England have a wonderful daily prayer app available to download for free, including the complete services for Morning, Evening and Night Prayer. You can search for it in the Apple Store or on Google Play or download it directly from the website by following this link.
If you would like to watch/take part in a daily morning service (and hopefully a Sunday one) online then you could do worse than check out St Ebbe's Chuch Youtube Channel -
They livestream at 8.45 each morning but you can then watch at any time later on. A simple no frills bible based thought provoking15 min service.
Do you have children at home that need to be entertained, kept active and educated? This website and app comes highly recommended; just click the link to find out more! The Imovement
To lift spirits, keep us singing and promote faith through online methods, Rev'd Chris Moorsom has recorded the words and organ music to God is our strength from days of old (words- Michael Forster; tune Ein feste burg) which can be downloaded HERE. Do downloaded it and enjoy it at home; you can even sing along with the downloadable lyrics!